Co-wheels is a national not-for-profit car club operator. Over recent years Co-wheels has expanded their operations across the country, with car clubs now operating from Aberdeen to Plymouth.
With plans for further expansion, during 2015-2018 Co-wheels was keen to review and develop analysis and tools to provide an evidence base for planning future growth. Steer developed a tool to assist with future plans for expanding existing locations and selecting new locations.
Our project team developed a GIS-based tool to allow data mapping and analysis of Co-wheels operational potential across England, Wales and Scotland at a detailed geographical level.
The tool includes a range of relevant demographic and operational data to help inform those locations which have the greatest underlying potential for car club operations. Our commission included providing a user manual for the mapping, an analysis system and user training.
As a result of the GIS-based tool, Co-wheels have been able to prioritise their plans for growing the car club market in the UK. The tool has also helped to provide an evidence base which can be used for informing public sector car club tender responses.